Monday, 12 December 2014

Meet at 0530 in the powerlifting room...If you competed Sunday, please take a rest and great job to the participants, and congrats to Alex for taking 2nd in women's!

1. Conditioning

3 Rounds for time of:
20 Burpee Pull ups – bar should be about 6″ above max reach
20 Front Squats, 155/105
20 Box Jumps, 24/20″
2. Snatch
5×1 Snatch From low hang
3. Squat
3×5 Front Squat, across


R.K. Barker said...

Slept through my alarm - weird.

1) 18:37.56, those Front Squats were awful!
2) 95, 105, 115 (Power), 105, 105, couldn't get 125 stable, and couldn't seem to get 115 stable again either.
3) Did Back Squats @ 225.
4) Dumbbell Flys (Bent over on Bench) 3X5 @ 40.
5) Dumbbell lateral raises 3X5 @ 10.
6) Grip Crusher 3X5 @ 90
7) Handstand Hold, 3 for 30s

Alex Vinson said...

150112: De-load week

1) Clean and jerk (%1rm c&j = 120#): 1x3@50,60,70,75%

2) Snatch balances + overhead squats (%1rm OHS = 120#): 1x2+2@50,60,70,75%

3) Front squat + power jerk (%1rm FS = 155#): 1x3+1@50,60,70,75%